To the girls. To my sisters.
Don't settle for less. Don't let guys check you out or treat you like you are less than what you actually are. You are a daughter of the Most High King. You are royalty. Don't settle. If anything set your standards higher. You're worth it. To my troopers. To my men. To all the fellas. STOP treating girls like they are objects just to be had. Since getting back into school, work, and just life again, I see it literally all the time. It makes me so mad. So STOP. You are called to be different. You are called to lead. You are royalty. You sons of God. Stand up for your sisters in Christ, don't let other guys use them. And guys, don't settle for a girls who aren't worth your time. Girls aren't the only ones who need to set the standard higher. Just as we are called by Christ to high standards, they are too. Don't settle.
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October 2019