I think we all hold on to the past in some ways.
There is always something that we wish we still had that we lost somewhere along the way. It’s hard to fully jump into the present or the thought of the future. Especially when everything around you is changing. This season of my life has been marked by change. Pretty much everything in my life now is different than this time last year. And I have found my self trying to hold onto the past. Trying to somehow bring it back to life, to somehow shock a corpse back into existence. But I’ve found that it doesn’t work. No matter how hard I try, the past is gone. Everything’s different. And that’s ok. Maybe we hold onto the past because it is familiar. Maybe it’s because we are afraid that the future cannot complete with what we once had. Or maybe it’s because we are afraid of what’s ahead. But I do know this. We are called from glory to glory. God did not call you out of something that’s giving you life to give you death. He moves us from glory to glory and it’s the glory of God to conceal a matter, and the glory of kings to search it out. We must search out God’s will for us in the present. We will never grow if we stay living in the past. Maybe we should appreciate the past but move forward not thinking about what is behind but straining for what’s ahead. He hasn’t called us to fear or worry, but to trust.
So I show up to English class and our assignment for the day was to go out somewhere on campus and observe people. This is what I saw:
A light haired man leans against a wall. He is a stoic character. In his eyes it looks as though he is pondering something deep and profound. The meaning of life or the way the West was won. He moves under the awning of the building as to shield himself from the harsh heat of the sun. He is alone. An island unto himself. Likewise a woman sits alone on a bench. Her only friend is her phone and her cigarette. She takes deep breaths from the cigarette as though she is reuniting with a long lost lover. Her cigarette glows with the warmth and passion burning inside the two. |
October 2019